Welcome to Take 5, your place to take 5 minutes (or less) and learn more about a new craft beer.
By Coquo, coquo@wlrcreative.com
Take 5 is spending the next couple of months sampling the best (and worst) that Europe has to offer. We will be exploring Spain, France, and Italy, seeing what the average tourist can expect out of Europe’s beer culture.

The Beer
Pelforth, a french beer, is a product of the northern part of France. Pelforth was started before the second world war when three independent brewers joined forces to try and build a stronger company that could overcome the economic weaknesses of the country at that time. Since then, like many breweries in Europe, they have been acquired by Heineken International.
The Smell
Pelforth Brune has a very pleasant aroma. Sweet, with distinct smells of caramel, malt, and some flowery hints here and there.
The Taste
While it pours a nice, deep, brown color, the beer certainly does not taste as dark as it looks. It has a nice sweet taste up front, almost bordering on some hints of chocolate here and there. The taste progressively moves towards bitterness as the beer finishes out, which provides a nice range of flavor for the taster.
The Feel
Pelforth managed to make this double amber feel nothing like one. It is very light, despite its sweetness and dark color. The beer isn’t very carbonated, which helps embolden the sweetness. It feels as if you could drink this beer all day without it weighing you down at all, which is exceedingly rare for something this dark.
ad finem (to end)
Pelforth Brune is probably the best beer I’ve come across for introducing people to a darker spectrum of beer. You are able to get all of the interesting flavors, with none of the ‘side effects’ that often comes with heavier, stronger beers. While this may not be what everyone is looking for, I find it unique that I can sit in the sun on a beach in France and refresh myself with a double amber.
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